Dr. Sayanta Bera

Ph.D in Virus Evolution

Collaborative Projects

In collaboration with my esteemed colleague, Dr. Shirin Parizad from the University of Tehran, we assayed how a novel potyvirus, SaLV, affects the economically important secondary metabolites of saffron dried in different dehydration conditions. This is a critical research area as Iran produces 90% of the world's total saffron. For more exciting work on SaLV please follow Dr. Parizad's work here: http://parizadshr.ir/


Impact of two different dehydration methods on saffron quality, concerning the prevalence of Saffron latent virus (SaLV) in Iran.

Moratalla-López N, Parizad S, K. Habibi M, Winter S, Kalantari S, Bera S, Lorenzo C, García-Rodríguez M.V, Dizadji A, Alonso G. L.

Food Chem, vol. 337, 2021


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